The Values Alignment Checklist. How to know where to focus.

My husband Lucas and I recently did a little exercise that had a big impact on us, and I thought you’d like it.

He created a Values Alignment Checklist to see how congruent our conscious and subconscious minds are.

How can you check this type of alignment?

Well, the difference to notice is between what you think you value, vs what you actually do.

Ever met someone who says they value health, but one a look at their fridge and cupboards tells a different story?  

Yeah, that’s what the checklist uncovers.

It compares what we think we value, to what we actually spend our time, money and energy on

When we’re incongruent we feel a subtle tension that adds silent stress to our lives. Incongruence is also a hint that you may dealing with some form of self-sabotage.

Now it’s your turn! Use the form below to get your free Values Alignment Checklist!

Lastly, reject condemnation and despair
If you’ve done this, you’ll likely find some (or a lot) of areas where you are not congruent. Reject condemnation and despair. Instead say to yourself “Chez, I love you and we’re going to make some small changes” (of course, use your own name!).

Pick the smallest and easiest area to start making a change, pop a note with an affirmation aligned to your goals on your mirror and your fridge, and for the next four weeks speak this out loud to yourself and put some energy into it.

There is joy stored up for you as you make this positive change.

Believing in you 😊

Chez xx

Download your Values Alignment Checklist here:

Picture of Lucas & Chez

Lucas & Chez

❤️ Lucas & Chez | 🧘‍♀️ Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy based in Bangalow NSW.
💪 We help you go from 💔 to ❤️, 😞 to 😊, 👩‍🦳 to 👸, 🤷‍♀️ to 💃 +more.
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Picture of Lucas & Chez

Lucas & Chez

❤️ Lucas & Chez | 🧘‍♀️ Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy based in Bangalow NSW.
💪 We help you go from 💔 to ❤️, 😞 to 😊, 👩‍🦳 to 👸, 🤷‍♀️ to 💃 +more.
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